CURE Token Whitepaper
A Charity-based Crypto Token dedicated to Healing the World
CURE is the first deflationary Decentralized Finance Token built around a highly successful non-profit charitable organization determined to support research into childhood cancer and other debilitating and life threatening diseases. By its very nature CURE Token appeals far beyond the scope of those simply interested in cryptocurrency as an investment since most everyone knows someone who has endured the devastating effects of cancer and other difficult to treat diseases. On this basis, and with charitable endeavors at its core, CURE Token has an almost infinite growth potential, benefiting token holders in both the short and the long term, whilst making meaningful change to the lives of many along the way.

“Transparency and authenticity are at the core of
this project and who I am”
CURE Token is designed to attract long-term investors who believe in the infinite possibilities of bridging the innovative cryptocurrency space with causes focused first on supporting and ending childhood cancers, and secondarily other chronic, debilitating diseases. For many charitable projects support for finding a cure would be more than enough, but for CURE Token this is only the beginning. Through its charitable adjunct, the BECKLEY Foundation, CURE Token will support three main pillars of project funding:

“What is most exciting is where this project can go”
Cure is the pillar dedicated to aiding research into pediatric cancer solutions, and beyond as funding from CURE Token increases. It’s no secret that many major charities, whilst striving to do good, take a large percentage of all donations to fund their own existence and sometimes cumbersome infrastructure, in some cases up to 90c on the dollar! The historical track record and agile infrastructure of the Beckley Foundation, recipient and administrator of all CURE Token proceeds, ensure that 100% of all donations made by CURE go directly to the research teams who need them. So far the results are amazing, with over $70,000 dollars donated within the first three weeks of CURE Token launch, and presently a further $10,000 being raised every day.

“We will become one of the biggest cryptocurrency projects in the world, I have no doubt”
Living with cancer or other chronic illnesses is physically debilitating but the effects don’t stop there. The emotional toll on patients and their families can be unbearable and the financial impact devastating. Care is the pillar that supports the peripheral effects of childhood cancer and hopes to shine light into the daily darkness of dealing with often fatal disease. Financial airdrops for mounting expenses or special “wishes” are ways in which CURE Token, and the Beckley Foundation, care for those going through a traumatic period in their lives. Sometimes kids grow up in an environment of endless treatments, and families struggle to keeping working and paying bills in a high-pressure, stressful environment.
We have already begun helping carefully vetted children and their families such as Lucas, a 4-year-old boy with Leukemia who has spent all of his life so far in and out of hospitals. Through the success of CURE Token he and his family recently enjoyed an all-expense-paid trip to Disney World Florida – Lucas’ first ever vacation. We actively search out and evaluate those we can help, and encourage investors to suggest those they may personally know in such difficult situations. That way investors too can directly see the far reach of CURE Token’s promise and the result of our commitment to help as many as possible.

“Cure could become the currency for healtcare access”
Create is the pillar associated with establishing awareness… awareness of the enormous need for childhood cancer and chronic disease research and the staggering costs associated with it, but also awareness of the fact that charity and growth of personal wealth do not have to be mutually exclusive. Paralleling the quest for capital growth with the impetus to support charitable funding, and combining their efforts, can revolutionize research and healthcare on an unprecedented scale.
The Create pillar of the CURE Token is also about opportunity… the opportunity to share resources, information, results and effort. The first option being explored is the creation of an entirely new blockchain, dedicated to an agnostic system of organically growing lifetime patient health information. Currently there is a large divide between global researches working on the same issues, due to a number of factors including national red-tape. By using the decentralized CURE blockchain researchers would theoretically be able to tap into that anonymous information to collate invaluable mass data to then share globally, to help expedite new cures and other health solutions for all manner of diseases and conditions, whilst bypassing problematic local healthcare regulations.
The second planned feature is that of global healthcare access, specifically for those where it is limited due to affordability or geographical location. CURE Token could be traded or even donated by the project itself (or individual investors) to those most in need, allowing them to access professional healthcare worldwide, regardless of their situation. (An example of this would be to use the token to pay for cheap video consultations with registered general practitioners and specialists who could then provide prescriptions via postage services or arrange for local surgeries). If implemented successfully, this revolutionary idea could well become a genuine and viable solution to the global healthcare crisis and take the strain off underfunded national services.
Third would be to eventually host the CURE Olympics, which will be considered as one of two options. The first, whilst similar to the Special Olympics, would differ in that rather than physical disability, it would feature athletes suffering from some form of chronic illness, such as cancer, which affects their daily lives. Of course, massive support would be available to ensure that all participants were competing in a safe environment that would not lead to severe detriment to their health. In this instance, all profit from the event would be donated back into the cause itself. The alternative option is for sponsored caregivers or family members of those suffering to compete, allowing them to show support and raise money for their respective causes.
There are many other CURE options being considered at present, all of which will serve to benefit individuals globally, and allow them to manage their own health, regardless of personal circumstances. After all, we believe it is the fundamental right of every single person on the planet to live a happy, healthy life.

“A lot of projects have no purpose and they don’t last. We are not one of those projects”
CURE Token was initially minted with a supply of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) tokens. Each transaction has a 8% fee subtracted which powers our causes. This transaction fee disincentivizes those who are not in it for the cause. The breakdown of the taxation is as follows:
4% Charity Wallet, which is the most crucial aspect of our entire project and allows us to fund the research and causes where it is needed most. Specifically this delivered directly to the custodial non-profit (The Beckley Foundation).
4% Marketing, which is crucial to keeping the project in the public eye and a necessary evil. This will be divided among a number of avenues, including website banners, social media influencers, high-quality articles and press releases, media-covered events, out-of-home marketing (including billboards), and eventually television adverts and radio commercials.

“When we say we want to heal the world, we really aren’t joking”
Letter From The Founder
Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to visit CURE. My name is Jacob Beckley, and I am the Founder and Chairman of the Beckley Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit charity dedicated to making a difference in the battle against childhood cancers and beyond. I am proud to say that since the Beckley Foundation first launched in 2016, it has managed to raise approximately 1 million dollars. These funds have helped us make a significant impact in the research, support and ongoing awareness of pediatric cancers.
But this is just the start.
I believe that by combining technology, innovation and good, we will have a huge impact on a dreadful issue that has touched most, if not all of our lives in some way. That's where CURE Token comes in. Through this community owned project, both individuals and causes can work together to make a real impact in the lives of those affected with cancers and other awful diseases, and eventually go on to create a revolutionary form of global healthcare that can benefit all, regardless of circumstances.
But we are facing a myriad of challenges right now at the base of this mountain we hope to conquer:
First is the issue of active awareness. Currently, research into causes and cures for childhood cancers of all types merits a mere 4% of US governmental funding into the disease, and only marginally more when all types of cancer research dollars are considered.
Second, childhood cancer research is life-giving. The vast majority of cancer research today involves cures that prolong life, promote positive end-of-life care and comfort, or delay the onset of metastases or secondary cancers. Research into childhood cancers, on the other hand, emphasizes research into eliminating the leading causes of health-related deaths of children ages 1-14, and promoting life-long cures.
Third, childhood cancer research helps everyone. Research into childhood cancers is heavily weighted toward understanding the human genome, inherited traits and genetic modifications that not only provide a specific cure but hope for identification and elimination in classes of patients. Similarly, childhood cancer research provides insight, data and discoveries that carry through to the adult population. In other words, research into pediatric cancer can benefit all research.
Fourth, childhood cancer knows no boundaries, as it affects all ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic segments of the population without discrimination. The good news is, so does the research. Extrapolated to adulthood and to future generations, childhood cancer research has the ability to change not only lives, but communities and cultures in the long-term.
Finally, childhood cancer research provides hope where it is needed most, in the lives of the 40,000 children newly diagnosed each year and their families. Investment in childhood cancer research doesn’t just strive to prolong the enjoyment of an already rich and full life, it allows children a chance to realize their potential, build a future and establish hope in a tomorrow that might otherwise never come.

“Cure is a project that allows individuals to feel really good about their investment”
2016 - Row4aCure - https://row4acure.com
Jacob woke up one day with a crazy and unplanned thought in his head— he would row across Lake Michigan in a solo man-powered boat from Michigan to Chicago to help raise the funds necessary to keep a cancer research lab going, (all 65 miles of it)! It was eccentric and random, but it turned out to be a great adventure. Jacob knew nothing about boating, rowing, water or even the distance. To top it off, the last time he was on a boat, he was extremely seasick. It raised $40,000.
2016 - 2019 Martini Party
Supporting the research of acclaimed Dr. Mary Beth Madonna. This lab, currently located at Rush University Children's Hospital in Chicago was due to be closed, and with our help was able to survive. $50,000 was raised at the event.
2019 - Row4Kids - https://www.row4kids.com
Aided by former Chicago Bear, Charles Tillman, we joined teams to tackle childhood diseases. We rowed non-stop across Lake Michigan in a homemade boat on September 1st, 2019. Our hope was to support families and children affected by childhood cancer by generating awareness, funding for research and spurring renewed vigor to fight back against the disease. This went on to raise a fantastic $280,000 dollars.
2020 - Roll4aCure
During the pandemic, we partnered with the Arizona Cancer Foundation to host a casino night to co-raise funds to help our causes. Although the pandemic forced us to cancel the event, we collectively remain focused on the missions and are continuing our efforts. Over $100,000 was raised.
2021 - Martini Party - September 11th, 2021
Once again we supported the incredible research of Dr. Mary Beth Madonna. This time $60,000 was raised to help support the continuation of their amazing work.
2021 - Launched CURE Token
Token went on to reach a current ATH of $10,000,000 (million) market cap, and has already gifted over $150,000 in charitable donations and research support.